台風10号 Typhoon Nr. 10 2006年8月17日7時30分発表 
Tomorrow more Rain !2006年8月18日14時30分発表 台風10号は、18日13時には島原市付近にあって、
2006年8月19日7時30分発表 台風10号は、19日6時には北九州市の西北西約40kmにあって15km/hの速度で北へ進んでいます。中心気圧は990hPa、中心付近の最大風速は20m/sです。この台風は、今日19日から20日にかけ、対馬海峡から朝鮮半島東岸付近を北上し、21日には沿海州沖で温帯低気圧に変わる見込みです。台風の進路にあたる海域及び西日本の太平洋沿岸では波が高い状態が続きます.
大垪和な昨夜にもずっと雨風 。。。雨風 。。。
2006年8月19日16時30分発表 台風10号は、19日15時にはプサンの東約110Kmにあって、北へ毎時15kmで進んでいます。中心気圧は994hPa、中心付近の最大風速は18m/sです。19日16時の推定位置は、プサンの東約110kmです。この台風は、20日3時に朝鮮半島付近へ達した後、20日15時にはソウルの北北東約190Kmに進み、21日15時にはウラジオストクの南南西約130Kmに進んで温帯低気圧に変わる見込みです。
Saturday, Aug. 19, 2006
Japan Times
Typhoon swamps Kyushu, blamed for three fatalitiesTyphoon Wukong made landfall early Friday in Kyushu, bringing heavy rain to many parts of western Japan and paralyzing land, sea and air traffic.
Three people have been killed and at least three were injured in accidents linked to the typhoon, while more than 500 people had to evacuate their homes.
The typhoon swept over Kyushu, heading north Friday afternoon, and was expected to be off Kyushu's northern coast by Saturday.
The Meteorological Agency urged residents of Kyushu and Shikoku to exercise caution, saying the typhoon is likely to continue bringing heavy rain to those areas Saturday.
Up to 400 mm of rain was forecast for Saturday in the Pacific coastal areas of Shikoku, 250 mm in Kyushu, and 120 mm to 150 mm in the Chugoku and southern Kinki regions, the agency said.
Wukong is the 10th typhoon and the first to land on the Japanese archipelago this season.
Meanwhile, rescue workers in Kanagawa Prefecture on Friday found the body of Mitsuo Sugisaki, 66.
Sugisaki was washed away the previous day along with 24 other people who were fishing in the Sakawa River when the Miho Dam was opened, releasing 23 tons of water per second, to prepare for the rain expected from Wukong.
Police are investigating whether the dam took the proper steps to warn the public before opening the dam's floodgates.
On Thursday, Koji Oishi, 45, drowned off the town of Yasuda, Kochi Prefecture, police said. He was surfing alone in high waves caused by the approaching typhoon.
In Sasebo, Nagasaki Prefecture, a 66-year-old man was seriously injured after he fell from the roof of his home while making repairs ahead of the storm Friday morning, police said.
In Usuki, Oita Prefecture, a 65-year-old employee of a budget hotel suffered a slight injury to the head Friday morning after he collapsed when buffeted by the strong wind, police said.
In the city of Oita, a 57-year-old man was taken to a hospital Friday morning after being hit in the face by the door of his car, which was slammed shut by the wind.
In Kijo, Miyazaki Prefecture, a rain-triggered landslide buried a road and hit several residences Thursday night, police said. But no casualties were reported.
The Meteorological Agency said heavy rain -- 65 mm to 68 mm per hour -- hit the town of Misato, Miyazaki Prefecture, and the cities of Usuki and Bungoono in Oita Prefecture on Friday morning. Gusts of 147 kph were recorded on the Mount Unzen volcano in Nagasaki Prefecture.
Meanwhile, heavy rain also soaked northern Japan from Hokkaido to the northern Tohoku region, which is hundreds of kilometers away from the typhoon zone.
The Japan Times (C) All rights reserved:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
. 2006年の台風
Typhoon Season 2006 . :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
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