地震 Earthquake
幸いに大きなダメージはなかった。 家がゆれ、物音がしたが、外へとびだすとすぐ納まった。多分震度2ぐらいだったかな。。。
英文の新聞では 11日 になりますが、こちらはもうすでに 12日 です。
中国・四国地方 ... Shikoku and Central Japan
YAHOO Earthquake Information 震度5弱 Magnitude: weak five震源地 。。。 大分県中部
緯度 。。。北緯33.2度
経度 。。。東経131.4度
深さ 。。。140km
規模 。。。マグニチュード 6.1
ooo ooo ooo ooo ooo ooo ooo ooo oooそして同じ朝、北海道にも地震!
Later at around 8, another one in Hokkaido !
震度3 Magnitude: three震源地 。。。 青森県東方沖
緯度 。。。 北緯41.5度
経度 。。。 東経142.1度
深さ 。。。 70km
規模 。。。 マグニチュード 4.8
(CNN) --
A strong earthquake shook southwest Japan early Monday, but a geophysicist with the U.S. Geological Survey said it was unlikely to have done serious damage.
The 6.3 magnitude quake struck at 5:01 a.m. Monday (4:01 p.m. ET Sunday) on the southern island of Kyushu, 825 km (500 miles) west-southwest of Tokyo.
"It's more than 150 kilometers [93 miles] deep," said Don Blakeman, a geophysicist at USGS headquarters in Golden, Colorado. "I wouldn't expect it to do any real damage."
Strong earthquakes are defined as having magnitudes between 6.0 and 6.9; major earthquakes are 7.0-7.9; and great earthquakes are 8.0 and above.
Earthquake :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
earthquake wakeup call-
no time to think,
just run fast
I was woken up by the glass panes of my bookshelves ratteling like hell ... well ... I know this sign of earthquake, so at five in the morning, started running downstairs and out, Bernd on his way too ... just as we were, no time to grab anything ...
This was only the third time to encounter earthquake here in Okayama in our mountain retreat ... but with all the news lately, you never know when the really BIG one is coming to hit.
This was more of a shock than damage for most of the area, fortunately. And at eight, a smaller one hit Hokkaido. Today, we might be glued to the TV to see more.
Thank you all for your kind thoughs and comments ! As Lary commented, the world has become a smaller place through the internet.
Gabi and Bernd
大垪和 。。。道の駅に戻る - Michi no Eki - BACK :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::worldkigo