Typhoon Nr. 17台風17号 Tapah
- source : typhoon.yahoo.co.jp
- source : Japan Meteorological Agency
Typhoon Nr. 17 - September 19

20日(金)午前6時現在、Friday 20
It started to rain around 15:00.
rain forecast for Saturday 21
0時 3時 6時 9時 12時 15時 18時 21時
2 6 9 7 4 1 0 0 - at 6:00
1 3 7 4 3 2 1 0 - at 15:00
3 2 4 2 3 1 1 1 - at Saturday 6:00

中心気圧 985hPa
強風域 (15m/s以上) 西側800km / 東側650km

Saturday 21
- It was so cold this morning, we got the Kotatsu working.
暴風域 (25m/s以上) 東側240km / 西側170km
強風域 (15m/s以上) 中心から 650km

rain forecast for Sunday 22
0時 3時 6時 9時 12時 15時 18時 21時
0 1 5 6 3 2 3 3 - at 6:00
0 1 4 5 4 3 3 3 - at 9:00
0 1 4 6 2 2 6 6 - at 14:00
0 2 4 5 4 4 8 5 - at 0500 on Sunday

- at 15:00

- - - - - Sunday 22
暴風域 (25m/s以上) 南東側200km / 北西側150km
強風域 (15m/s以上) 中心から560km
rain forecast for Sunday 22
0時 3時 6時 9時 12時 15時 18時 21時
0 2 4 5 4 4 8 5 - at 0500
0 2 4 6 3 1 6 6 - at 7:00
0 2 2 15 3 2 7 6 - at 15:00

Typhoon Tapah slams Okinawa and moves toward Kyushu, closing some Rugby World Cub fan zones ...
Some parts of Kyushu received more than 300 millimeters of rain for the 24 hours through 4 a.m. on Sunday. Weather officials issued a mudslide alert for some areas in Miyazaki and Kumamoto prefectures.
rain forecast mapion for Monday 23
0時 3時 6時 9時 12時 15時 18時 21時
1ミリ 1ミリ 1ミリ 0ミリ 0ミリ 0ミリ 0ミリ 0ミリ

at 12:00
中心気圧 975hPa - no "strong" any more
速さ 30km/h moving faster
at 15:00
- light rain all day and some bouts of wind.
- - - at 18:00

Okayama is now in the yellow strong wind circle.
Our roof is shaking quite a bit now.
強風域 (15m/s以上) 南東側650km // 北西側560km
Monday 23
The roof was rattelling all night and is still moving (now around 6 in the morning).
The sound of the storm bouts is frightening at times.
Trees are bending outside.
No more rain in the forecast.
速さ 45km/h // 速さ 55km/h at 6:00 - getting faster
暴風域 (25m/s以上) 中心から170km //

- NHK news at about 5 in the morning
Severe Tropical storm Tapah hits Japan
Severe tropical storm Tapah is battering parts of western and southwestern Japan. It is expected to affect most of the country through Monday.
The Meteorological Agency says Tapah will likely keep heading north-east, bringing strong winds and heavy rain to northern Kyushu, along with the Chugoku region and Ehime Prefecture.
Local power companies say as of early Monday, about 100,000 households in the Kyushu region and another 30,000 households in the Chugoku region were without power.
Tornado-like winds caused damage in the city of Nobeoka in Miyazaki Prefecture. Railway operator JR Kyushu says a steel tower at Nobeoka Station toppled over. Windows were reportedly broken in the city.
Officials say two people have been injured.
<23日15時の予報> -
today around 15:00 will turn into 温帯低気圧
. Typhoon season 2019 - 台風情報 .
大垪和 。。。道の駅に戻る – Michi no Eki - BACK
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