
inoshishi in Tanada


That is what we need, keep the wild boars out !

. . source : facebook

Since the local hunters got older and can not do the job any more, Inoshishi have grown in numbers and are devastating many fields.
They walk past our garden almost every evening, snorting and grunting, up to the graves on the other side of the road and then onto the next fields and bamboo groves.

Driving in the evening is quite dangerous now to drive, with mother Inoshishi and four, five Uribo babies standing in the middle of the road, not moving . . .

. 猪 の 害 Wild Boars digging .
already in 2011 !

On the other side, since ancient times, Inoshishi are seen as
the messengers of

. Yama no Kami 山の神 God of the Mountain .


大垪和 。。。道の駅に戻る – Michi no Eki - BACK


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