

Akita International Haiku Network

Haiku about New Year (2010)

Haiku poets write haiku and sometimes say to themselves,
“What is haiku written for?
What is the meaning of haiku in life?”

Some of those poets have their blogs in the hope that they will share haiku and exchange ideas or comments with each other on the Internet.

Gabi Greve, a German poet, writes haiku in Okayama, Japan. She has studied about the season words used in haiku, and the cultures of Japan.

Gabi Greve has presented us what she learns, in her blogs:
‘!Haiku and Happiness…..WELCOME!’, ‘World Kigo Database’, and ‘WASHOKU-Japanese Food Culture’.

first shrine visit
only the sound of
snow melting

Hatsumairi tokeru yuki no oto bakari

This is a picture of their local Hachiman Shrine at Ohaga, Okayama prefecture.

quote from
. . Akita International Haiku Network


大垪和 。。。道の駅に戻る – Michi no Eki - BACK


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