hatsu yuki 初雪 First Snow - INFO

The Winter of 2024/2025
2024 December 14
light snow on the roof, later more snow, but soon gone.
Temperaturei 0 centigrade
The Winter of 2023/2024
November 18 - first snow. very light, in the morning and afternoon .
only 3 degrees all day
- 2023 December 17
Snow over night, all is white outside. minus 1 centigrade !
The Winter of 2022/2023
December 14 - first snow. very light, in the morning.
temperatures dropped from 5 to 2 in just one hour !
The Winter of 2021/2022
December 17 - First snow in Ohaga, quite a snowstorm, strong wind
temperatures dropped from 8 to 1 in just one hour !
The Winter of 2020/2021
September 22 - First Snow on Mount Fujisan.
December 15 - First snow in Ohaga, less than one cm, all gone soon.
The Winter of 2019/2020
October 26 - First Snow on Mount Fujisan.
January 31 - First snow in Ohaga, less than one cm, all gone soon.
The Winter of 2018/2019
August 17 -- one month too early
. First snow in Hokkaido .
December 09 - about 1 cm in the morning !
The Winter of 2017/2018
12月09日 - December 09
hatsu yuki 初雪 - light cover on the roofs
The Winter of 2015/16
11月27日 - November 27
hatsu yuki 初雪 and first frost! Typhoon-blizzard in Hokkaido!
The Winter of 2013/2014
December 12 12月12日
White roofs in the morning - a bit more to come during this kanpa, supposed to last 3 days.
朝 -1℃、 昼間 3℃! 夜 0℃
The Winter of 2012/2013
December 06 12月5日
Strong wind and a blizzard for about 30 minutes, then cold sunshine.
More snowmen in the forecast for 3 days to come.
blizzard -
the sun seems to hide
in the sidelines
今朝 -0℃、 昼間 4℃!
. SNOW - Winter MEMO 2012/13 .
The Winter of 2011/2012
. December 09 .
2011年 12月 10日 - December 10
first snow -
a cover of white
on the red leaves

And it was all gone by 10 o'clock.
今朝 -0℃、 昼間 6℃!
. 冬の雪情報 Snow - Winter 2011/12 MEMO .
The Winter of 2010/2011
2009年 12月 18日
昼に日差しのなか 雪がふってきた。
今朝 -2℃、 昼間は 5℃ だけ!
Small snowflakes in the sunshine
more snowflakes from dark clouds
朝 ー3℃ 昼間 3℃ だけ!
強い風とちょっとだけの雪 。。。 さむい!
朝 -5℃ ! 昼間は 2℃ だけ!
でも雪はない !
continue -
. YUKI - SNOW 2010 - 2011 MEMO .
日本列島、強い冬型 日本海側で大雪、
source : sanyo.oni.co.jp
. . Snow forecast 初雪予報
first ice -
a sparrow picks
at its reflection
The bird bath is covered with thin ice,
and the sun is just coming up ...
hatsugoori 初氷 はつごおり first ice, first frozen water
kigo for mid-winter
大垪和 。。。道の駅に戻る – Michi no Eki - BACK
- #hatsuyuki #yuki ##snow -
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